Meet the UDSS Team 2020


President, Chelsea Tye

As the President for the 2020 committee, Chelsea is tasked with the overall direction of all UDSS operations. She also acts as the official spokesperson of UDSS, and liaises between members of the society, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and the WA Australian Dental Association as required, to represent the interests of the students. This involves communication with year representatives, learning and teaching committee representatives and yearbook committee representatives for all relevant issues concerning the dental school.


Vice-President, Alice Gregory

As Vice-President of the 2020 committee, Alice is also tasked alongside the President with the direction of UDSS. This involves liaising between members of the society, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, and the WA Australian Dental Association as required, to present the voice and opinions of the students. In addition, Alice oversees any tasks or duties of the President, should she be unavailable or needing assistance.


Secretary, Sally Tan

Sally writes the minutes in the meetings.


Treasurer, Shan Li

Shan is the Treasurer for UDSS and oversees our financial management. This includes budgeting for events and fundraising initiatives, the invoicing of sponsors, seeking out and applying for grants and general financial record keeping.




Richard Tien


Education Reps

Bede van Shaijik & Pauline Wong


Senior Social Reps

Anthony Radziejewski & Emma Turner


DMD1 Reps

Mona He & Gurjyot Johal

Alumni Rep

Moe De La Gag


Media Reps

Rebecca Vo & Scott Santarossa


DMD4 Reps

Jason Guo & Charn Thanissorn



Shi Han Shu

Research Rep

Simran Bhalla


Sports Reps

Anooshree Katwe & Sarah Phang


DMD3 Reps

Lisa Matsumoto & Han Nguyen


Immediate Past President

Ruohan Zhang


Yasmine Mishani


Junior Social Reps

Lili Omari & Ebony Gri


DMD2 Reps

Ethan Lloyd & Yashupreet Kaur